Gaycel here. I fucking hate all of you sluts, and by sluts i mean the fags and dykes who post here because i can pity the trannies who can't get laid at least before they go full degenerate. Hookup culture is the most disgusting thing the human mind has come up with, the thought of giving or selling your body to a stranger is downright stomach-turning, and because of this a poor schmuck who only wants to live a monogamous life with his partner is lumped with cum-guzzling shitters like you. You aren't superior to me because you can freely ride the cock carousel, you aren't even happy because most of the hookup whores end up becoming junkies, depressed or suicidal once they hit the wall. The LGBT community is a hedonistic watery sham and I am ashamed of the faggot community, so i will forever keep my public identity hidden to avoid being considered a sex-addict freak as the likes of you. And before you start regurgitating defenseless bullshit and roastie slang, I just want to make it clear that I will NOT have sex with anyone who isn't willing to become my lifetime partner, whether I managed to get a bf or not. Get bent.