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ID:+Qbqa+Eo No.9985955 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Tradition and religion, how the fuck are those two things related? If you believe something, you do accordingly, and in that you have faith, but if you just do something for “tradition” you are not doing it because you truly believe in it, you’re doing it because you where teached to do it. You don’t die a martyr for “tradition”, you die a martyr because of faith, and, in a way, why should we care about tradition? Why should we treat something so meaningless as something even able to compete with faith? Why should we hold tradition in such high regard? The early christians gathered in caves and houses, so why should we care about making cathedrals and fancy places of worship, when we can even do it in our own houses? Why should we do meaningless rituals, when our faith in jesus christ is enough?