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I have come to the conclusion that not all Christians are the jewcock sucking isreal loving atheistic bad-guys. I have nothing against TRUE believers of Christianity as long as you understand everything has a spirit and we are all connected. I have come the the conclusion that ALL gods exist. Jesus, Odin/Santa, Zeus, etc. And everything can be, and is a god/spirit. There are evil and good people, the good people are opposed to evil energy and the evil are the negative energy (much like The Negaverse from sailor moon). We are all made of magic and our thoughts are all connected, everything we think is a vision being sent to us, nothing is spontaneous, everything means something, and everything is alive. Yes, every object was created, humans were created the same way a cup or a washing machine was created. We should not devalue objects because they help us in life, so-called "artificially created objects" like cities for instance are as much a part of nature as a forest, or a group of humans. When we point with our finger at something, we are using intent magic, that is why it is considered rude, (it is also considered rude because the pointed finger is a phallic object, like the wand. Also, magician's who use their wand to make objects appear are acting out the sexual act, the object summoned was birthed.) ----------------------------------------------------------- The Jews tricked us into thinking that magic does not exist, but it is literally everywhere, and Jews use it all the time. >YOU WANT TO BUY THIS >YOU WANT TO BE LIKE THIS HO FROM THE MUSIC VIDEO >YOU HATE WHITE PEOPLE >MUH HOLOCAUST Christians and Pagans need to join together to defeat the (((system))).
>>9992023 unironically BASED and REDPILLED
this is the most truthful thread on 4chan right now
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>>9992025 Hail the internet!
>>9992023 lol, you can 't back up your claim with any empirical evidence, thus, your claim cannot be argued.
>>9992027 Everything existing is my evidence, do not lie and ignore all of reality, everything was created, exists, and is alive.
>>9992027 Hippies don't think in those terms. They just have abstract feelings they mistake for reality.
>>9992029 there is nothing abstract about any of this, you are slandering us you fucking kike demon.
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>>9992030 I will destroy those who deny my God's. Hail the Magical Computer Keyboard.
>>9992028 Only the first two statements are evident. Stop using your feelings, cuck.
>>9992032 We all feel, anyone who claims not to is controlled by evil demons.
>>9992027 >>9992032 >muh empiricalino evidencino >not the feels! What about those facts though? Imagine being this stuck in the zeitgeist
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>>9992034 They are just controlled by kike demons from the TV.
Everything existing is enough proof.
Everything is so obviously alive.
>>9992023 >Mutually exclusive ideologies coexist I remember being 16 and smoking pot for the first time.
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>>9992036 I am not on drugs, there is no need for that, reality is the drug.
Christians and muslims are correct that their God exists.
But they are wrong when they deny the existence of other God's.
>>9992033 The abstract realm of ideal forms exists beyond our perception, and will only be revealed to us upon our death. To claim to experience it in this world is a foolish lie. The existence of animism in this world is evil to the core. If its existence was verified, it would be our moral duty to remove such arbitrary motions at once, and make it so that all things are moved not by compulsive forces, but by the calm, logically verified laws of physics. The heaving cesspool of animated spirits you advocate for only adds to the suffering of the cosmos. All things are merely the interaction of material particles. This monism does not detract from the innate beauty of the universe in any way. However, your insane dualism (I think that's what it is, as you advocate for a material and spiritual world) does. Your chaotic beliefs will take us back into the stone age, when we should be moving outward, and conquering the stars. Clearly, you worship the Gods of chaos, as opposed to the one ideal.
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>>9992023 Correct based post, let me add to it
Every god/spirit entity has a realm, or uses the realm of another, if you want to really understand paganism, research Shinto beliefs and apply it to European Paganism, everything falls into place
This thread got slid because it kills the Jew, no more divide and conquer
>>9992040 Or maybe it got slid because the concepts it advocates for are dangerous to organized society. Imagine advocating for stone-age philosophy. We have to go forward, not backwards.
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>>9992041 >Literally the truth >The truth is dangerous You would have voted for jeb!
>>9992036 If evolution is factual, and things improve and spread over time, then religions would be the same. This is a widely accepted fact. All religions likely came from one original one. If that one religion was valid, then all the split offs and branches leading to all modern religions would also be valid. If its what your country worshipped and is a direct product of your common culture, then it's good. If it is worshipped by people, then it exists. Not like that gay wiccan shit or satanism
>>9992038 >animism is evil Lol you are an insane tormented soul.
>>9992045 I just disagree with your point. Its implications may hold danger. If you transform it into a practical ideology that allows us to defeat our opponents and forward our goals, then I'm all for it. However, your strict dichotomy of good and evil is pretty immature, and will hold us back. Jews aren't evil, they are just an ethnic entity that has some goals contrary to ours. Therefore, we must neutralize them. If we were a dominant class, and needed to keep our hold on a society, we would use the same tactic of bread and circuses. No joining others in the whining. No petty emotion. Animism does not promote effective decision-making. If it is to be applied in any capacity, it must be for the lower classes only.
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>>9992046 Well i am of the lower class.
So let it be so.
Use the television for good and stop putting on evil things.
Why do you think i am wrong about good and evil though?
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>>9992046 What makes you think animism and other forms of mysticism are inherently opposed to civilizations progress?
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Hail the big spiritual nonphysical existence that is the internet.
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We are constantly experiencing a religious experience.