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Holy fuck lol kill me.

ID:VFOokrla No.9995407 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I fucking hate globaliosm, I wish I was fucking normal and had a farm and a girlfriend to fuck to make babies. But no.
I gotta end up as a neet. And seriously /pol/ it was way to fucking easy to reel her in even further than what I had to be on my side (and thus increased my chances of neet extension).

This vocid-19 shit debacle made her extra sympathethic and like a degtenerate autist I exploited that and activated my charm.

THe bitch who decides my economical fate for the next 18 months was so sympathethic that she will most likelöy influence the judges to give me neet more for 18 more months.

I fucking hate myself. At the same time I want to laugh at wagiecagies.
What I got permission for to get fat cash (and I do mean fast cash, 1500 usd or so after taxes doing almost zero work) is due to burnout, it's supposed to go to depressed people and burnout people. I know for a fact that I could atleast work 25% (25% hard work) right now without flinching due to all the recovery I have made. hOWEVER BECAUSE OF COVID-19 and overall "sympathy" these old hags have, I will be cruising having to do almost no work at all for my neetbux for the next 5 months and outside of that, still very simply work.

They are to nice to me, and I just realised that I am a autist.
Holy shit the hag wanted to wait even longer until august to check up on me. And like the nice autist I am I told her to call at the end of May instead. Like fuck even when I do not try to exploit the wagies, they think I am so damn autistic that they even try to discourage me from getting shit done faster.

Fucking topkek. Are ya mad yet wagies? You might be normal but I have gotten free money since 2017. 1550 USD fat cash AFTER taxes. And yhea the taxes I pay with the money I get for free counts towards my PENSION! LOLOLOL!