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Angie's luck this day had been dancing precariously on the tip of a needle. Once again the pendulum swung in her favor, and the conversing duo stopped encroaching on her position. Eager to investigate this unusual find, the class officer turned to go back whence she came, teacher in tow. Squinting to decipher the time on the wall clock at the end of the hall, Angie realized she had only moments to spare before the bell signalled her imminent doom as the classrooms would spill forth a throng of students with their gazes undoubtedly washing over her nakedness. Eyes darting back and forth for an escape route, she took notice of a classroom that had been oddly quiet, its door ajar. What is this? Rooms weren't usually left empty during the day... unless... this room belongs to one of the underclassmen teachers... there has to be something, think harder... yes! Freshman students only have a single class change for basic science and are assigned a single teacher for all other subjects... science must have been already covered for all the freshmen classes today! Taking a glance both up and down the hall, Angie darted into the room just as the striker of the bell sprang into action producing a cacophenous ring. Ever curious, she sneaked a peek back at her former location to see how compromised it had now become with a smug sense of satisfaction at her ingenuity, but she quickly slid the door shut before the wave of bodies could break over her. She still wasn't out of the woods with only her socks and shoes to call clothing, and there was still that little matter of the rest of her clothes having been found and most likely confiscated, but for now she had won this battle. Feeling both proud of her quick thinking and with an adrenaline rush from the thrill of so many close calls she leaned back against the chalkboard and sighed. "Now where was I?" she pondered rhetorically to herself as she raised her right hand and touched her fingertips to her tongue once again.