Is thare an easy way to convert IK motions to FK or vice versa?
>>2682637Use full-width character for the D. Copy it from its respective Unicode page or something.
>>2682785Ass physics? That's rookie stuff already, mine has belly physics now. (Shit, I'm turning more and more degenerate.) JK, the guys that do unorthodox physics all have my respect after the hundreds of hours I probably spent fucking with different versions to make them look at least okay.
>>2683080The process is as follows:
1) Load the head in the PMX editor.
Assuming it has anything you don't want.
I) Open the vertex/masking window (F3) and switch to MAT mode with PRTS enabled.
II) Find out every material that doesn't belong. Select all that don't belong.
III) With Vertex (V) option enabled in the top left of the PMXView window, hit Ctrl+A and press Shift+Del.
IV) If you find out you've removed something wrong, Ctrl+Z and redo it properly.
V) Find out all associated bones, bodies, and joints (meaning those not linked to anything important or having any weight on them), and kill them in that order (if you want to make it easier for yourself) with Del. (For the head only: you may want to keep the entire bone chain leading to the head, starting with the root bone and ending on the head bone, with all the head-linked stuff kept, of course.)
2) Save and repeat the above steps for the body model you want to transfer, except you will be saving the materials and structure in inverse.
Once you've prepared both a body and head:
3) Open the body model, import the head in Add mode with Merge Duplicate Named Bones enabled (default settings).
4) Deselect every material except what is associated with the head, select all vertices with Ctrl+A. Enable Faces/Bones/Bodies/Joints and select everything associated with the head except the bones already present in the body model. Carefully position everything you've selected at the center of X axis using the red arrow. Now litt or lower it using the green arrow.