>>2372559>>2372565>>2372566yeah, transplanting morphs only works if both models have the same vertex count, and said vertex must be positioned in the same place as well, or else you end with a morph calling the vertex number 1000 that is ubicated on the left arm to move up as if it was a vertex from the lip, for example.
if you want to lolify a model in pmxeditor, your best option is playing with the transformview window and scale down the model's body parts till it has the proportions of the bodytype you want. keep in mind that models have their bones set up in different ways so scaling up or down will probably break something in the process in certain models while in others doesn't. so you better be ready to fix (or accept) that kind of bugs, pic related, i modfied this tsumidango model on the right to make the one on the left (besides swapping head, hair and skin textures), the elbows got fucked (which i tried to fix by scaling them in pmdview's window to match the arms' new proportions) and the left side's rotatory bones like to act funny (which i can't still find a way to fix it).
the same idea goes if you want to make a model thiccer or only enlarge the breasts, the latter has the extra problem of possibly fucking up the physical body's rotation coordinates (this can also happen with any other mesh with physics if you scale it up/down)