>>2628070>He seems to seriously think he's the only person in the world who appreciates what you do. in fact a person who thinks he is "the one" opens a thread on 4chan to give the artist a space so that he can be appreciated by everyone. retard
and damenade (the artist) is Japanese, you should write to him in Japanese or comments like yours won't be understood. of course there are translators, but from experience I can say that if you don't have even the slightest knowledge of the language, the text will be badly translated. obviously also from English into Japanese.
last but not least this thread is open to everyone even you if you want to start. he is the most active but it's not a thread just for him obviously you can't advise those who are already experts, and it seems that users like him or him are not interested in improving their work. post other edits better than the previous ones.
>>2625669>>2623149ah about damenade he sells cg so it seems obvious to me to suggest ideas he can use in his stories or sets
he makes pictures as a hobby and there is a difference between writing "pls make this"
this image might be useful to you because:
you will probably gain an edit that he will use for training
he gets an idea (then he decides whether to use it or not)
we all gain something
I hope this post has cleared things up.
However, Margaret and Aphelandra are also my favourite Amazons.
Discussion aside, I think our tastes are similar in this way.