>>2819688Chapter 18 of Fudajo! Some high points and some low points in this chapter, definitely a "your mileage may vary" sort of situation, but it looks like we're in for something pretty good next chapter with the return of Love-chan.
https://mangadex.org/chapter/3baf1878-1a47-446b-9735-de54bafe1bdd>>2819892I wouldn't mind the idea of continuing an ENF manga that another group dropped, all told, but I doubt it'd happen soon. We already had a few options lined up when we chose Fudajo, so it's most likely that one of them will be our next project. Mangas like Fudajo, that have already gone so long without translation, run a solid risk of just slipping through the cracks and being forgotten if nobody steps up and translates them. Still, I'll keep Isekai Sniper and others like it on my radar, discuss it when the time comes to pick a new project.