>>1727599Come to think of it, I think Charlotte might be the only character I have with enough backstory to do this sort of challenge. I ought to spend more time thinking up traits for my other girls... or even deciding on names for them, for that matter.
1. She's not actually human. Since she started out as my pawn in Dragon's Dogma, I still consider her a pawn (albeit one with more personality than usual, as is typical of a pawn who has spent more time adventuring with, and learning from, their respective 'master'), and many of her traits are based on quirks of the pawn AI in that game, or things that pawns frequently say.
2. For example, her hobbies include collecting pretty stones and stopping to pick flowers.
3. She has an aversion to wolves, distrusts harpies, and especially hates goblins.
4. She's very chatty and upbeat, and will enthusiastically share her knowledge on any subject. When not adventuring, she prefers to spend her time studying magic or learning new skills (she also plays the violin.)
5. She was named after the witch from PMMM.