>>1435660"Yep. More specifically, to see if we can turn you into a female of sorts. Before it actually happens though, Id like to asked you this: who would you like to be, given a choice?"
Suddenly, Im wide awake and now having a hot flush of extremes.
"...I knew you'd like the proposition, Anon" She said, and chuckled to herself.
I regained compusure and asked:"Ok, well, have you ever seen the epic Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann?"
She immediately said "Yes! Im guessing you want to be like Yoko in looks wise, correct?"
"Yep. Id also like to have her personality, in which Im tall and fierce, but also include my current personality. By that, I mean I love cars, likes to play video games, and is willing to give a helping hand to anyone."
"Uh huh. Now if you just sit next to me..." She said, having gotten everything down.
I did what she told me what to do. Then she pulled out what looked like a water gun of sorts. I closed my eyes, trying to imagine nothing at all.
"There may be a slight discomfort at first, but dont worry, the results will be all worth it." She said. Then she pulled the trigger. The sound after that was similar to the muffled sounds on Battlefield Bad Company, and there was many colours wizzing by me. I didnt even hear myself hitting the ground.