>>2081247>>2081274>>2081351As pointed out, they were both planned Team Ninja titles for the Xbox 360--then Itagaki was fired and all of that was scrubbed. Given what we got with Ninja Gaiden (outstanding) and Ninja Gaiden 2 (not as good, but still an excellent title for the time), compared to Ninja Gaiden 3, I'm generally glad that they were canceled when Tecmo basically got rid of any original idea left in Team Ninja and focused on remakes for the PS3.
On the other hand, Devil's Third sucked--though one could argue it sucked less than original release NG3, so who knows? It's not usually something we discuss in these threads for obvious reasons.
Do miss the days of DOA4 and NG:B, all the excitement and optimism for the franchise. Virtually no modding though...