The animation is called ''Pacifier Girl Tifa Vol 2'' (おしゃぶり アニメムービー Vol.02), produced and animated by Furasupi/Frapper_Spirits and released somewhere on December 2004. I tried contacting the animation studio through the ''mail'' section of their official page ( to ask about the music, but I've gotten no response so far.
Restored audio of the hentai’s music: also used websites and tools to find the song, such as Shazam, Soundhound,, etc.
I found 2 songs that sample the original, those being: 1 - ''Habitat'' by Krystian Shek (, sample plays a minute 1:55), released on March 25th, 2011, and 2 -''Occhi'' by Italian rapper Poeti Onirici ( sample plays minute 8:33), released on June 18, 2012.
Tried contacting both musicians as well so if they could tell me where they got the samples from, but I've gotten no response either.
So this is where my research stopped at the moment. Hope you guys could help me find the original piece. It’s been an obsession of mine finding it :c