>>2137150left middle
>>2137152none of them are particularly attractive to me, but i would say second from right.
>>2137169not really attractive, but second from left looks cool.
>>2137176how am i supposed to choose when everything houtengeki draws is goddess material?
purple hair in the middle wins, but they are all at least 8.5/10.
>>2137196far left!
>>2137197all of them kind of gross, but i guess second from left.
>>2137198all gross, but left is least gross
>>2137218gross bodies, ninja girl wins.
>>2137220i don't find any of them very attractive, but second from right wins.
>>2137397all gross. third from the left wins.
>>2137765far left!
>>2137986chun li
>>2137990all gross, but second from right wins
>>2138008far right
>>2138017all pretty nice, but right wins
>>2138022second from left