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On a related note, I've tried model editing in the past, and done quite a bit simple stuff (the pubes on that model for example were positioned wrong, which I fixed). But one thing I couldn't figure out is how to graft something from one model onto another. It never seems to move with the body parts or physics of the original, and I can't figure out how to make it work. For example, I edited this model to look like Asuka a while back, because the base model has some really good and adjustable anatomy. The hair clips I scavenged from another Asuka model, but they don't move with the head now, and I haven't worked out how to make them do it.
I've also got a Haku model that came with a subfolder that had a very detailed spread vag in it, but I couldn't figure out how to merge it into the original model in PMDedit, and getting things to work like they used to after going through Blender is something I've never achieved. And that's even when the pmd/pmx import/export script I have even decides to work.
Is there a good model editing tutorial out there specifically focused on MMD models?