>>2925863My tastes pretty much just boil down to "contrived ecchi shenanigans" being inserted into slowburn, vanilla, harem (optional), romance stories. As for mean spirited stuff, it depends on if the girl deserves it, who sees it, who does it, and how far it goes. For example: if the main heroine were to pants her bully in front of a few other members of the main and/or side cast, wherein she quickly pulls her pants back up and runs off, I would like that. If a creepy guy pantses the main heroine in front of the whole cafeteria, pins her wrists behind her back, and gives her a slap on the ass in front of a cheering crowd that's egging him on, I would blacklist that author forever. Of course, in the context that both these scenarios happen in a slow burn vanilla romance. If it's a short story that's just smut for smuts sake, I can get off to way less light hearted stuff, though I find those kinds of stories way less rewarding and basically only read them for a quick fap.