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Ahh, The backwards logic that is MMD.
I used to upload videos until I got banned from Vimeo.
I used to post videos in this thread until retards started to throw bullshit.
I used to care about MMD until the very people who made using and learning MMD possible turned into people like Sorrow.
Sorrow, your "plan" to "help" trollvids is not going to help. It's just going to have more people think that you're a faggot. The whole idea behind Sita's website AND trollvids was to remove some of the barriers of sharing. What you're doing is attempting to use a sharing website as a medium to release "exclusive" content and gain popularity. You're doing it in such a way that alienates PLENTY of MMD users who CANNOT upload videos easily or even render them. You're denying the people who would use the models for personal use and instead trying to force personal use cases to go public.
Speaking of models, Does anyone want me to upload picrelated? It big so it would take a while to upload. It's not exactly secret content but it IS a purchased model.