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"C'mon, it'll be fun! It's not like anyone's gonna notice." Her best friend was all smiles and giggles as she practically pulled her onto the beach. She must have been insane to go along with the notion. Her mind was already reeling with trying to remember why she even agreed to it.
"It's a nice change! You can't just play at those boring pools all the time." A cheerful giggle, as was her trademark.
So that was the notion, a challenge even... and for some absolutely absurd reason, she had taken her up on it, and gone to the beach, the last place one could hope to have a peaceful swim.
Fortunately her friend was at least willing to compromise. Despite the cheery girl's flashy two-piece swimwear, she had been, to much relief, allowed to keep to a far more modest one-piece. The catch being that her friend had picked it out, and just -insisted- on it being more open-back than the usual.
She hadn't liked it one bit, but... it was a fair compromise, she supposed. Immediately after changing, she was intent on staying close to her friend all the while, until she reached a quiet spot to lay a towel out at.
She was content to settle upon her front in that location, and gave her friend an upward look...only to notice that the cheerful girl was vanishing into the distance with a parting wave, having already vanished into the ocean shore. Her friend always had been whimsical... but it was no business of hers. She had been about to go back to lying down, until...
She suddenly heard a voice addressing her, which resulted in her staring up with a confused expression. "Hey, it's rare to see you here! You should come with us!" A pleasant pair of girls from her class, one of whom was already extending a hand to pull the notoriously shy girl to her feet.
"We're going for a swim, don't lie here all alone!" Her eyes went wide at the realization the girl was not about to take no for an answer, and was going to pull her straight towards the shore! She'd never even been in the ocean!