>>1851951Sorry, I know it isn't fun sometimes for content you're not super into shows up. Sort of just one reason why I draw, to make it so content does exist that is more up my specific alley. I like my ENF to be lacking in tears, and want to see stories that don't end in like rape or life ruining. Sadly for some of you, I very much also like the inclusion of some 'fun' for the main girl. I like the gray area, where the nudity is still embarrassing, but something in the girl subconsciously enjoys aspects of it too. It's not pure ENF and it's not pure exhibitionism.
I would have been happy with B winning too. She didn't have to sit down this instant to enjoy herself, but I was happy to give the opportunity. Obviously though I don't have control of how the votes go. I did try to include the option for things to stop where they were. Honestly, I'm a bit surprised how the votes have swayed. I figured, with it being the same choice, the numbers would either be the same as last time, or sway towards the side of B. That people who wanted a bit of touching would be content. Yet somehow, people who didn't want touching before, now want it? It's hard to say really why suddenly A has so many more votes this time.
I'd offer to go on hiatus here until the sexual stuff gets sorted, but I have at least one A vote here, so I know there is an audience for it. Those who aren't into the touching, sorry, but it is how it is, and I guess I'm not the artist you would be hoping for at times. Hopefully we have more parts coming up that you can enjoy though.