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Fine. I'm bored, so I guess I'll post a couple conditionals for fun. First, if I had no recourse, I would definitely want to be attractive, and have breasts that were of a manageable size anywhere from DFC to D cup; no comically huge ones. I also would not want to have to work hard to keep my appearance.
If I knew the transformation was temporary or reversible, I would take some random assumed name and unfamiliar appearance, and keep as many people out of the know as I could.
If the transformation was permanent, I'd probably choose an appearance similar to my current one, and keep my dour personality. I wouldn't wear makeup, and I'd probably not wear bras. I'd likely become a full lesbian, unless the mind really is a plaything of the body. If I were a lesbian, it would be socially awkward as fuck, but if I turned out to take a liking to men, it would be ten times weirder for me. Either way, I might be enough of a bro to let my friends see me naked, but it wouldn't go past that, unless I turned out straight or bi. With any luck, I'd actually be able to find a hot lesbian girlfriend, and we could live happily ever after. Even if as a female, I couldn't marry my new love, I doubt it could turn out worse than my current state of being forever alone.
Pic related; it's the way I would hope for it all to turn out with my new girlfriend discovering how much she loves me as I hold her in my arms.