>>1581995The notion to hurry after the two girls felt appealing, logical even... after all, they would surely help if things got worse, but... if leaving the water meant not having to worry about things getting worse at all, that was surely the best choice! So exit the water she did, moving at a rather brisk run, bashfully covering the bare expanse of her midsection as she ran back to her towel with deep breaths.
It really did seem like the disaster was averted. If she had drawn any looks, it was simply because she looked as if she were wearing a rather risque bikini instead of a modest one-piece as before.
Strangely enough, no more damage had been done... was this her friend's plan all along? Her gaze searched the beach once more, finding only unfamiliar faces and the departing form of the confused duo she'd ran from as if they were out to hurt her.
She gave a sigh as she tried to settle back against the towel and relax. Not only was that deathly embarrassing, those two girls probably thought she was nuts.
Well... at least the crisis was averted. Just a few moments of rest to regain her composer, and friend or not, she was getting back to the lockers, changed, and -gone-.
She settled comfortably into her relaxed posture for the moment, something that came rather easily. Maybe that was the appeal to such light swimwear; freedom.
A hesitant sigh as she shut her eyes, trying not to dwell on the events of the past. A moment's rest was really all she managed.
Soon after, a cheerful voice drew her attention, causing her to look up. Her friend was smiling with a carefree wave. "See? You feel better already, right?..."
From her lain posture, she considered agreeing with her jubilant friend... until she saw what that waving hand was holding onto; the separated halves of her swimsuit's top!
"Well, I'm sure this'll help too! Ciao!" Her face went from relaxed to flushed red as the girl was off like a bolt, leaving her lying upon that towel with her back completely exposed.