>>1583784Somehow, her friend's ultimatum really hadn't come as much of a surprise... this was a girl who had left her practically resigned to the streets with nothing to wear after all. She was also fairly sure that whatever going along with her friend entailed, it would almost certainly lead to more embarrassment... whether planned or otherwise. So the most rational decision was, for once, to surprise -her-.
The impulsive notion that lead to was one she was reluctant to undertake, but once she was set on it, it was all the more surprising how easily she managed it.
Before her friend could taunt her further, she strode up to her through the rain, put an arm around her... and shoved her other hand straight down the front of her undergarments, pointedly ignoring the rare sight of a shocked expression on that girl's face.
"...sorry, but I'm not ...going through that again..." Her voice felt shaky in midst of her ongoing action, as finding that hidden key required quite a bit of feeling about, her hand moving past and against areas that made her face red and her friend's go somewhat pale. Still, it hadn't taken -too- long... and after a tense amount of moments went by, she drew her warm hand out from the white fabric with a nervous breath, and a faint smile. "...there we go, and..."
She decided she may as well finish what was started. Her other hand already had a firm grip on the rear fastenings of her stunned friend's bra, and its wearer seemed almost shocked into silence. It seemed a certain threat had been a pretty empty one.
If she had been somewhat stunned before, what happened next would make sure of it. With a small breath and a sharp -pull-, she deftly undid that bra and tugged it right off of the disoriented girl... and after putting the taken key in a pocket of her blouse, her other hand went to her friend's hip, and just as impulsively pulled at her lower clothing as well.