>>1844928 “What are you going to do? Physically assault me? Go ahead. While I’m explaining why I have bruises at the police station I might as well let them know how you’re conducting business around here.”
“Oh, so it’ll be your word against mine. Brilliant, Melody. And who do you think will back up your story? The people here will say anything to keep this establishment open, just so you know. If you don’t turn around and go back into the kitchen so we can discuss this privately I’m going to beat you down, strip you naked and then kick you out. When you come back no one will even know what you’re talking about when you say you worked in here for today.”
“Yeah… nobody will corroborate my story after you’re talked to them, let’s say that happens… except my friend who I came with, and the clients that you can’t talk to because they already left. You don’t think I can’t find one of them?”
“So you’ll be running around town buck-naked knocking door to door to find men and have them admit that they went to a café for perverts. I would gladly pay to see that.”
She approaches me menacingly. Maybe I miscalculated here…
“Err… maybe I’ll be going back to the kitchen after all.”
“Too late for that.”
She jumps on me. I knew she would, so I dodge to the left. She reacts fast as well, and grabs my arm. I kick her shins to make her let go, but that just seems to piss her off, since she just throws me against a wall. I trip and land face up, my dress falls off. She grabs the back of my panties.
“Pay attention everyone, I’m about to show you something nice.”
We have already attracted a lot of attention and there’s already a crowd gathering. I’m already just wearing my panties, and soon enough not even that… why does this always happen to me?