>>2743575You can either trade in the SSR for 10 VIP coins, or you can combine SSR through skill awakening to increase the strength of the skills on the suit.
Two things happen when you skill awaken an SSR to level 5. You unlock the swimsuit's malfunction option (if it has one) and you unlock the suit's P skill for use in your accessory slots.
The downside to this is that skills with identical names between accessories and swimsuits dont stack, so that P skill will not be as useful to you if you wear the swimsuit it came from during matches.
Ideally you'd want to skill awaken swimsuits for their P skills that dont conflict with the skills on the suit you mainly use for the festivals.
The good news is that unlike with SR dupes the game acknowledges the skill awaken level of the SSR you trade in. Meaning that there's no downside to holding onto something like a Venus Gacha SSR until you unlock their P skill before trading them in.
Trade them in as soon as you get them? That's 10 VIP coins. Combine 5 of them together and then trade them? That's 50.
SR are always 20 venus coins so dont go nuts combining those.