>>1615982I don't even think about it, and return the kiss as her hands descend upon me, although I can barely feel where she's touching me because of the strange bubbling feeling which is now permeating my whole body. "I dunno what's going on Elenor, but this is pretty sweet." Before I've even realised what I'm doing I'm licking the pink goop off her breasts, and it does indeed taste sweet, like artificial strawberry flavouring. I'm not even sure she can hear what I'm saying now, as the fizzing sensation has now spread to my tongue.
No sooner has this bizarre sequence started, it is brought to a close by the dumbwaiter reaching the top of the shaft, where it tilts up and dumps us both into a pool of ice cold water. I'm immediately returned to my senses. "Okay. We're never going to discuss what just happened there to anyone ever. If you do, I will hunt you down and kill you." are the first words out of my mouth. I can't believe what we were doing, and how quickly it took effect. I guess the cold water made it wear off, but I bet if someone slept a whole night in that stuff things would be worse, and longer lasting. Elenor seems to have realised what's going on and manages to stutter out "I-I-I- didn't s-see anything if you didn't see a-anything." I pull myself and Elenor out of the water, shivering in response to the cold.
The room we're now in is clinically white, with tiled floors, and the only feature other than the plunge pool (why was that there anyway? how did any of this get built?) is a low bench on which my bag sits. A second note is pinned to it. "A complimentary retailoring of your outfits have been provided to make up for the inconvenience, the Caretaker.", I read.