>>2218835go to transform view window, and apply the morph to .8, now go to File and select "Add archive (p) the shape of the current".
this creates a "savestate" of sorts of the model at the time you clicked it.
now go to the morph tab and edit the morph you want to change. in the morph edit window select Edit->Archive Management->Selection from the Archive.
here, a window will pop out showcasing the different "savestates"/editions the model has been through during the time the program has it loaded (closig the pmxeditor or opening another model will erase them, keep in mind that), now select the one that has the edition you want to turn into the new morph, and save it. and that's it
this thing is pretty handy, it can be used to create vertex morphs with relative ease in conjunction to the editing in the transform view window. it can be also accesed in the main window. you just need to remember that the first savestate is the moment the program literally loaded the model, so selecting that in that place will end reverting all changes done during your session, that includes any morphs you made.