>>2308101>>2308104cd, maybe b later - may be a good lesson for Lady. also the only way lady I could imagine Lady escaping Medea for a few moments is by stealing her clothes while showering, trapping her for a while by sun. If so, b) is still more likely than e), as she just fears for whats going to be done to her by the crazy witches for telling anyone ;}
Having him return alone to his belongings, giving him a bit time alone could lead to him realizing a few new facets of his demise, maybe even another breakdown.. point is, he needs it to be able to move on.
312 - can't undo what's done. Can't blame her either, it was the proper chain of command. But at least she can punish her for fucking everything up in just the few minutes she passed out xD
CD - its payday so let them have her for a while ;)
Hope you're feeling better OP :)