Hello everyone! A long ago I was able to get the お米3184 videos from Fantia, and since he's pretty much retired or in a long ass hiatus now, I decided to upload most of his paid videos to Google Drive, since most of them cannot be purchased now anyways. The videos are great in my opinion, they have a similar body base to rmse, welliwonderwhoiam or that thick supersonico/haku bunny in general, not only that but he also released some exclusive stuff in fantia too, so if you're interesed, the link is public anyways so maybe even just take a peek and consider if you like it~
visit his other sites by the way:
https://fantia.jp/fanclubs/15400https://ecchi.iwara.tv/users/%E3%81%8A%E7%B1%B33184The videos:
https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Ysn2FlD4VRWpbxrLRF-Fv6i92qv3Dekp?usp=sharing*Please note: The cloud is still getting updated at this very moment, and it will finish at around 3 or 4 hours, however you can get in to check the current content now, and if in the future the link get broken, just say on a future post "hey ben_dover, please fix the お米3184 cloud" if you're watching this on the archive and cannot tag me anymore, I'll be constantly checking new boards anyways.