>>2447083>>2447189i just realised that i also edited the legs and added the feet time ago, my bad. still, there's no need to re-weight stuff, for the legs you can simply re-map the stocking mesh into the skin texture and merge it with the thigh mesh, and for the feet i edited and imported the mesh from a tsumidango model that had a similar texture and mapping set up (bikini akari 2.0). the harder parts were merging the ring of vertexes between the thigh mesh and the stocking, blindly merging a certain vertex of said ring can fuck up the mapping and the normals (still fixable but it wastes time that should be used for other stuff in the model), same situation when you try to merge the feet into the legs. for making the feet working, i move the original model's feet bones into whatever space that is not its original position, then i imported the feet mesh with their own bones, then i deleted one foot and worked on other one, positionating it the best i can both mesh and bones, once i finished it, i mirrored the mesh and its weighting, and then i proceed to merge the feet's mesh with the legs. and to finish, i move the original model's bones onto the imported one's position and merge those too. merging will always prioritize the bones at the start of the bone list, so the original bones will stay and the imported ones will dissapear, with the only thing that will be left of them will be the weighting of the imported mesh, and since the original bones are in the same position it will work just like the imported ones on the feet.