>>2880647Multiply the X and Y movement/rotation offsets for all keys in the project by 0 (and follow up by deleting unused/redundant keys). (From the Edit tab/dropdown menu.) This assumes a presence of unwanted X and Y offsets in the first place, which can only reasonably come from baking the physics in MMM or NeXGiMa.
>> I tried making a separate collider group and attach one to the chest bone, but that's a physics bone and the collider wouldn't move when set to "bone track".You should have two or more bones (one will also do, but I guess you'd have to fully rely on collision physics for its movement and attach it to upper torso 2 instead) parented to 左胸/右胸, and they will either be AP bones or carry physical rigids joined to the respective chest rigids, and none of the chest rigids should collide with clothing rigids. Keep in mind that no colliding rigids should be touching by default. Separate them if they do. And keep gravity in mind. If a rigid is not positioned along the axis of gravity relative to its joint, it will rotate and slide to align with that axis once physics are on. If joint rotation limits prevent the alignment and there are no colliders to stop its movement, it could start twitching randomly.