>>1708372I don't mind. As far as I am concerned, as soon as the code has been pastebinned it's public domain.
>>1708233I like those uniform tops, they look pretty cool.
>>1708289Same for the utility belt. Clever idea. I steal it.
>>1708304Like it all, the bottom eyelashes are a nice touch. But when I try that, the girl just ends up looking like she needs more sleep.
>>1708326>>1708477I think the long noses we have in the program are terrible. Try making them out of hair-bits instead.
You know, I think I read somewhere, that the rhinoceros has a nose made out of hair, but I looked it up and it's actually the horn and that's not even made out of hair, but just the same stuff hair is made out of. But I think that's pretty cool as well.
>>1708429>>1708448Getting almost dressed with belts is best.
>>1708449AOTY all years. Nice car too, but the steering doesn't work.
>>1708451Should have known better than going to dashcon. Hope they didn't pee in the pool yet.
>>1708479I like that second idea. I went and even tried making a background myself, but I'm not really an accomplished artist, I think.