Here is how it goes guys, I massively love Stocking (like most of the internet, I'm so original right?) Anyway, I will be dumping Stocking (and some Panty, cause I don't hate her guys)
Okay, what's in it for you? Well, besides some awesome Stocking to fill your folders I will be doing four, count them, FOUR edits (color, decensor, what have you)
"Yeah, Atomisk you are doing that on other threads" you say. Indeed I am! And feel free to visit those threads ( ) I will still be completing those edits. The only difference here is I will be bumping these four to the top of my list to be done as soon as I see them!
Don't get discouraged if you don't make it in time. I am still taking requests on other threads. This is just a Stocking Stuffer for those people who REALLY want to jump the gun.
Lets get crackin'
P.S. - Keep in mind that coloring in particular does take some time, but I am off all day today and besides a little bit more cleaning I should have time to jump right on them!