CYOA /e/ general #15. Post stories, post votes, post images.
Latest story: Camp of Dares. Previous thread:
>>2306929Archived parts of the story (Pastebin):
Part 1: j33PCQMC
Part 2: ZsyZ8C0t
Part 3: PG6Y5C6U
Part 4: nebbyBe6
Part 5: nZaWE1Dw
Part 6: hf1Jh2Tb
Part 7: geyzvB0Y
Part 8: C45GXVqu
Part 9: Qdrupf9K
Part 10: GHuNqmis
Part 11: Ki5FMWuv
Part 12: sWcVG8qf
Part 13: zAQaxYJ7
Part 14: GgatsfiJ
(Thanks to Gnattering Yawn for keeping them)
WARNING: This story is very long. I’m not saying how long anymore because it might discourage readers. It takes a while to catch up.
There are over a hundred characters. List of them here: w1bH0ksw (Pastebin)
A girl in her late teens visits a summer camp. Her roommates start a game of dares that progressively get more extreme as time goes on. The protagonist finds out The Game was being used by a young witch as a way to garner Ritualistic Power to try save her cat. Due to potions and magic shenanigans, our protagonist ends ups as a nigh-immortal catgirl.
There was no way we could get away with everything we did. With a being of the night pushing the reset button and a threat over their lives should things get out of control again, the Coven must now strive to undo the magic circle of lust by drawing power away from it using The Game of dares.