>>2259413The way the sking looks in that videos is too smooth since at that time I didn't know how to use the included normal maps, now that everything is in english I realized, that you can use up to 3 normal maps and 3 sphere maps per material, and of course overlap them, you can use normal maps and sphere maps that come with models and stages too, as well as control the strength of the normal map, a very good example is this stage that comes with normal maps
https://www.deviantart.com/samsink/art/MMD-STAGE-Silent-Garden-V1-00-DL-565782781 and you can overlap the normal maps from the shaders, you can of course use some of the effects tham com included with the shader, one of them being the WorkingFloor effect that retains the shading in the reflection, water effects and light sources too, if you want to see the God ray and lensflare that is way too overused these days you can do that too but you will have to use a sepparate efftect, and you can work with very dark scenes too.