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Grade Point Average
A school is having trouble with discipline, academic performance, and faculty dedication and it is causing trouble for the head administrator. A dramatic solution is devised in the form of a stricter discipline code. Students who fail to maintain the school's high standards will be subject to removal of clothing. Which clothes are removed, where the student must remain exposed, and the length of time all depend on the offense. Upon hearing this the students think it is just a scare tactic but after the first girl is made to remove her shoes, leggings and panties leaving her bare beneath her skirt for a minor violation, the students realize this is serious.
They complain to their parents and the parents are obviously concerned so they hold a meeting with the administrators and teachers. The teachers show the parents just how bad the situation has gotten at the school and at the end of the meeting the parents confront the students and have agreed that though it is a little extreme they have decided to support the new rules.
Day by day students are given out punishments. Some stand nude in the hallway for an hour and some others perform gym exercises nude. Academic performance and behavior begin to improve little by little. The students, however, have begun their own secret mission to expose the laziness and lack of dedication on the part of their teachers and the teachers soon realize that the new rules don't only apply to the students.