Congratulations on your first post!
Here's three quick tips to post a little better in the future.
1) Start by reading the board rules sticky.
>>1436774>- Requests. All requests go in /r/. Do not post requests here unless you have at least 6 pictures related to what you're requesting.Now, I know you weren't explicitly requesting anything, but the fact remains your entire thread is just one image. So it's a bit of a waste of potential right now, and still considered a "request thread" per board rules, which is considered a rules violation.
2) So, to fill your thread you're going to need more than the one image. I see you're already familiar with danbooru, but try searching these tags, you might find more of what you're looking for: Normally at this point I dissuade the poster from any misconceptions they may have about /e/, but in your case I'm not entirely sure what they were. It really seems like you made a new thread to share just a single image.
We normally try to get more use out of our threads than that. Head to that website I gave you, and maybe see about turning your post into a thread.
Also, you don't need to post your source on every single picture. That's overkill even by .gif thread standards.
That being said, it's exciting to see a new face around here, so I hope you take what I said to heart and keep posting--just in greater numbers-- in the future.
Now let me be the first to welcome you to /e/~