(embed) (a) (also attached to the post) (embed) (b)
Requesting the following modifications to the image (a).
First, remove the male hand and the background. The latter can be hard because of the thin hairs. If that's hard, try making the background one color (dark red like #5d1f2c).
Second, can someone add a bra on her like it's done on the image (b). Maybe you can just 'cut' it from (b) somehow.
Third modification is to her skin. Can you remove the tan completely? Again, you can look at the (b) where she doesn't have it. Maybe you can just work with (b) and take the elbows from (a)...
In total I need:
1) (a) without male hand and without back ground/with one color background
2) the above but with bra like on the image (b)
3) 1 and 2 but without the tan