>>1533205You should generally keep your cat-girl indoors unless accompanied by you or a household member. Many owners enjoy taking their cat-girl out shopping and to parks to play. This can be a bit risky with other cat-girls and dog-girls around. If she is well trained and an intelligent breed, outings may prove beneficial to her advanced socialization and acquiring additional life skills. It is important to keep her in check as the outside world will be full of sights smells and other –girl animals she has not experienced. The situation may be a bit daunting for her at first. Try time in the yard first. Progress to short trips around the neighborhood. before leaving familiar areas. Most cat-girls if coaxed and encouraged can easily travel in cars and trains even on long trips. Be sure to bring toys and snacks!
8. Health Concerns
Cat girl breeds are specifically tested and monitored to ensure the maximum healthy lifespan and identify any possible weaknesses in them. Your cat-girl will require a visit to your local Cat-Girl Health Care Provider within 6 months of adpotion to insure that she is settling in with her master and that no lurking health issues have yet to surface, then visits yearly thereafter. The CGHCP will give you an overall view her health and any additional advice or lifestyle/feeding changes that may be needed.
All approved breeders are carefully monitored to ensure the litters produced are full of healthy, energetic and intelligent kittens. Genetic screening on kittens is done in the first few days following birth to make sure all gene markers are within norms. This will ensure cat-girl companions that will have long and happy lives.
It is still of vital importance for owners watch over their cat-girls overall health under the guidance of an accredited CGHCP