>>1605858The deal after that ends with Yuuko hitting Hadzuki for a simple yaku-hai. She must have realised that flashy hands are getting her nowhere when everyone's trashing everything. This still isn't enough to get rid of all of Hadzuki's points, and she's still in the lead (and too appears slightly disappointed by Yuuko's pedestrian underwear). The next hand is total crap. So crap even, that I have enough terminals to call a reshuffle, which elicits an annoyed grunt from hime-cut, who was apparently given an easy win.
The next hand I get, the first where Yuuko is dealer makes me burst out laughing. So much for stealth, not that it would have mattered. My first move is to say "Double riichi!", also demonstrating that I'd gotten a pure luck hand with no skill involved whatsoever. The others seem spooked by this play, since I'm in tenpai and they've got nothing to base their discards on, although Yuuko manages to get to tenpai and throw out a riichi. It slows them down enough that I eventually self-draw my winning tile. I triumphantly tip my hand forward to reveal 112233p123m11123s, with a 9-man as the dora indicator, and to my surprise, a 2-man as the ura-dora indicator. I rattle off the list of yaku. "Double Riichi Pinfu Tsumo Iipeikou Sanshoku Dora Ichi Ura Ichi Junchan. Sanbaiman,". It's fitting that I'd clean out with a "Junchan", given Yuuko's previous attitude.