>>2859790There's always a part of me that likes pushing the limits, saying "more, more, more!" and continuing beyond the point anyone reasonable would stop. Take it to the logical conclusion and then some. My heart sings for 5, in other words, to just never let up, to keep her naked and embarrassed for as long as possible until the idea of normalcy is far away and long forgotten. On a conceit level, it's my favorite bar none. You just can't have too much of a good thing.
...but I do concede that it closes doors, never letting her dress back up again and return to normalcy. It always hurts a little to turn away from that impulse towards extremes and consider more reasonable scenarios, but if we're talking ENF scenarios that must end so that more can start later, I prefer something in the 3-4 range. There ought to be some time for it to sink in, the nudity and embarrassment, and resolving the scenario shouldn't be a trivial matter, but it also doesn't need time horizons like "the entire day" to be properly savored. Both work, in a nutshell.
They're still the ordinary options, though. What you arrive at when you yield to practicalities and set your sights lower. It's certainly not easy to write a story that shatters limits and reaches beyond common sense without letting the story balance similarly fall out of whack. There's a reason people favor the practical option most of the time. And yet, it always feels like so few people really give it a serious try. Even if it's not easy, even if it means there will be flaws, I think I'd rather live in the world where more people reached for the stars than in the world where everyone does the sensible thing and sets their sights lower. So yeah, 5 all the way, I want to see more of that in the world, I want to see stories that shatter the rules and aren't afraid to freestyle it after that, figuring out a way to make it work.