I was told this request should be in the drawthread instead.
Requesting some edits to Bort (the one on the right with the long black hair)
1) Edit his hair so that it's similar to diamond (the one on the right with the pigtails), so that it looks white with a prismatic or rainbow hue and is shiny/sparkling.
If that's too difficult, I'm fine with a less colorful result like this:
https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/3295076 where the colors are mostly close to white/cream. Though a sparkly/glowing effect would be nice to have either way.
2) Edit his nose and mouth to be more defined (though keeping a neutral or slightly frowny expression). Right now it's basically just a dot for the nose and a short line for the mouth. Something slightly more detailed than that would be preferred, even if it's just "longer line for the mouth, a slightly curved line with a dot for the nose".
Something like this:
https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FGVUzrKX0AE9MHB?format=jpg&name=large is fine for example.