>>2852414You're probably don't need anymore but I like the idea of coming up with new monsters.
>Wild SpiritsImpossibly powerful enemies whose power becomes more manageable the more in tune with nature (naked) the player is.
>Luck GremlinA tiny nuisance that likes to hide in individual pieces of equipment and deliver humongous nerfs to their stats. Takes an exuberant amount of money at a merchant to remove or better yet, just strip the piece off. Those same pieces of equipment you abandon can be found again at the same merchants.
>Loomin' Doomin'A bashful spectre that likes to syphon the emotional energy of a single target. It can't do it while someone is looking at it. So it invisibly manufactures shenanigans to make their victim afraid of being seen. The only way to remove it fully is to be seen by a huge amount of people.
> Living CauldronsSentient black pots that demand to have their fires fed, otherwise they'll deliver horrible plagues and curses on the unfortunate saps that happen upon them. If options run low, burning clothes is always an option.
>Bad MagiciansNot bad like cool, bad like bad. These unskilled mages have a habit of trying to hit enemies, only to accidentally give them new skills and abilities. However, there's a good chance getting hit will also rid the target of a piece of clothing. Everytime you lose something, the chance to get a buff instead goes up. Pray you have high LCK.