>>2938250Not realistic, but I like this idea.
>medieval/fantasy society>major offenses mean off your with your neck>minor offenses get you branded>offended party decides where to brand you>brand must be publicly visible at all timesI think you get where I'm going with this.
Girl from a foreign culture, bratty, hotheaded adventurer-type, decides to test her luck.
Gets into a barfight for petty stuff, trashing the establishment.
Both her and the guy she got into a fight with get captured
She observes in horror how they brand the mark on the guy's face
She begs and pleads, and barkeeper decides to go "easy" on her
Now she's got a mark on her ass she's legally required to show, and has to reinvent her entire wardrobe, making holes in her pants, looking like a baboon.
Eventually, she gets used to it and just wears thongs/bikinis.
That is, until she gets in trouble again.
Second strike gets her permanently bottomless.
Very public branding.