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This is a test.
I'm testing making WebMs right now. I'm using Windows 8.1 because of "muh H-games" and "muh CCCP + madVR" right now. Note that I have no clue what the fuck I'm doing.
The .bat for ffmpeg I used is:
ffmpeg -i video.mp4 -ss 00:00:32 -to 00:01:24 -quality best -threads 0 -an -c:v libvpx -b:v 500k -c:a libvorbis -crf 15 -vf scale=iw/3:-1 output.webm
I feel like I could do this much better. I also wish to do two-pass encoding. I tried it with:
ffmpeg -i video.mp4 -ss 00:00:31 -to 00:01:24 -quality best -threads 0 -an -c:v libvpx -b:v 500k -c:a libvorbis -pass 1 -crf 15 -vf scale=iw/3:-1 -f webm NUL
ffmpeg -i video.mp4 -ss 00:00:31 -to 00:01:24 -quality best -threads 0 -an -c:v libvpx -b:v 500k -c:a libvorbis -pass 2 -crf 15 -vf scale=iw/3:-1 -f webm output.webm
It's annoying that it asks me to overwrite NUL and the video came out with higher filesize. I thought two-pass was supposed to reduce filesize? Or did it raise quality in the process and two-pass just gives you a better quality-size ratio?
Any tips on WebM creation like other parameters I could use, too? I've read a bit in the archives, there seems to be a lot of room for improvement. There's also GUI options (four different programs) for plebeians such as me, but I prefer to use the command line.