>>1951285The main problem is that ENF is an extremely broad term. It covers the girl who's swimsuit got pulled off from the waves in the ocean to the newlywed that is meekly undressing for her man for their first sexual experience. As far as I know, the term doesn't really have an equivalent term in Japan. As far as this thread goes, we generally look for a specific type of ENF, which is basically forced/unwilling public nudity. All public nudity generally falls under the same 露出 tag on various Japanese sites.
>>1951228I prefer ENF, mostly due to the shock and suspense factors that don't necessarily happen in pure exhibitionism.
>>1951145I've personally always been refraining from uploading pictures of light bondage in these threads, since I wasn't sure what /e/'s stance on bondage was (or this thread's opinion on ENF bondage). Personally, I like it, though I prefer images where the girl is tied up just out of public view like this
http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=4711551 or the girl being tied up has their clothing placed in her view and out of reach for the insult to injury.
(That artist also has a lot of bondage ENF of all kinds if you want to check him out.)