>>2289280For me, it's definitely succubi. There's a strong sense of taboo and also a lot of vanilla fantasy you can let out with them. Plus, they're a lusty woman that personifies every trait a man loves in a lover, then give you some extra to boot, and what's not to love about that?
Physically, everything from the usual creamy whites and lustrous chocolate skin tones are good, but I'm more a fan of blues and reds, maybe the occasional gray. Black sclera and color-coordinated but inhumanly colored irises would be a killer addition, too. Then of course, you've got to have the wings, horns and spade tail. She should have a fetish for being handled by the horns, and a tail that's a surprise erogenous zone.
Mentally, my favorite is the wise vixen type. Smart enough to discuss books, history and current events while also playful, cunning, and able to bring you to heel or make you tackle her onto her back when she wants to play (though of course she'd always be willing if you initiate, too). And that's with words and feminine wile, without invoking any of the magical bullshit. I'm not a fan of dying or being turned into a husk, so I'd also want to know that even if she is feeding from me, neither my health—long-term or short-term—nor soul are in danger and she sees me as a person, not just livestock.
As far as special properties go, a lot of what I like could probably be addressed with hentai hypnosis; I like the evil eye style. Typically, you'd expect a succ to have the ability to make one lose reason and fuck like an animal, or eliminate obstacles like the refractory period and fatigue to various extents so you can keep going as long as you like. Sensitivity and orgasm control are another staple that could be handled with the same mechanism. Some ability to increase ejaculate would also be the tits. Optional, but also nice, would be an attractive scent, be it through pheromones or just plain smelling nice.