>>2322649Kiss my ass, I'm more from /e/ than fucking scoops is although that's not saying much I guess. Just because I don't want some circlejerk to show up and fake interest for some random event doesn't mean I don't use the board. The only way for /e/ to get interest in one day would be for whoever is running to poll to send the link to other people as /e/ has never gotten major poll numbers and I can guarantee you, it would get linked in a day or two.
So long as /e/ is going to end up as some circlejerker's reason to stay alive, I'll gladly derail their attempts to revive the team and even if they succeed, I'll keep shitting up the match threads while providing /e/ related images. You can shit on me all you fucking want but it's not ending, the fuck if I care what some retard online says.