>>2793712How long is the motion? Could it just be too big for your computer?
You can try truncating the motion. I believe they will still load, and it might help you diagnose the problem.
With the GNU tool truncate on Linux, you would just do,
truncate -s 90000 motion_copy.vmd
to make a copy 90 KB. On Windows, try these:
https://superuser.com/questions/299329/resize-a-file-in-command-prompthttps://pinetools.com/split-filesI think when I tried this before, some bones or expressions were missing when loaded. You could try progressively truncating more, and maybe even look at the vmd to see if you can see which bone or expression is causing problems, if this works. It would be in shift-jis aka cp932 encoding, so you would view the binary output in that encoding.
Like this, using piping in a Linux shell:
cat 'Arms down, wrists bent.vmd' |iconv -c -f cp932 -t utf8|less
This results in a bunch of unprintable characters or something, with the bone names mixed in:
... T^T^T^Tkkkkkkkk^@^@^@右ダミー^@^ ...
Presumably, the last bone in a truncated file that causes a crash would be the problem one.
But first, you should definitely try loading the motion onto other models.
(Image: AdultShader Velvet)