Bad news from the mangaka who draw these series. mangaka say he was trying to push the Mika ni Harassment series to a new peak by making a video adaption, and specifically he is trying to make a live action adaption which would cost less than animation adaption.
He mailed almost 20 companies and one of them gave positive response, but kust when he think it might lead to some good result and discuss with his wife and relatives, almost all of them fiercely opposed the plan, fearing the possibility of them getting fired from their own jobs as the company they work in have a rule that say no employee's relatives should have any relationship with "anti-society forces" aka gangs or cartels, and it is usually these forces that run adult video production in Japan although there were still no decision on whether the production would be adult-rated.
As such the author have completely cut off all his thoughts on the Mika ni Harassment series, and the author feel very sorry about it being ended this way although that was the manga he wanted to draw sequel the most.
As the hope of getting new income from video.m adaption have been Lost and his wife's sickness have also worsened, he deemed it no longer possible for him to continually support their life by only drawing manga so he have got an regular work.
In the future he will stop drawing "Mika ni Harassment" and start drawing other manga for interest, and as you might have noticed from his past work he have high interest in shota and otokonoko, and he's thinking about changing the pen name to draw such type of works more freely.