I wake up. Yesterday was a crazy long day. It’s still a little dark inside, and there doesn’t seem to be any activity going on. Perfect. Sleeping in Pokémon Center’s lobby is a common practice among traveling trainers; and for people like me who could not afford an Hotel Room as a joke, it’s the only choice there is.
This means I sleep in a room anyone has access to, so I have to be careful around those things. Like right now; I’m dressing up since I slept in my underwear covered by a thin blanket. Not only it’s the weather a bit hot to be sleeping fully clothed, but since I only have own single outfit, I can’t mistreat it in any way and sleeping with it would just wrinkle it.
Aria is in the sofa in front of me, sleeping soundly. Nurse Joy still isn’t in the counter.
a) Just wait. Aria will wake up and Nurse Joy will arrive; I’ll get my Pokémon and decide what to do next.
b) Wake up Aria. Let’s head to the Pokémon Gym and see what’s all the fuzz about.
c) Wake up Aria. I want to visit the Natural History Museum.
d) Ditch Aria. Head to the Pokémon Center to check it out.
e) Ditch Aria. Visit the Museum by myself.
f) Write in.